Sunday, May 26, 2013


It wasn't supposed to be this easy.

The sexiness of this song doesn't go with this post, but the tension of the music sure does. And the idea is the same...what has playing it "safe" gotten me?  (BTW, the song only repeats twice ;)


Bitter Sweet - Dirty Laundry from nigani on Vimeo.

P.S. If you haven't noticed, I'm in a strange place today!  It's been a weird weekend.

Grant Writing

Here's hoping a little playful creativity inspires professional creativity!  I'm not feeling overly inspired.

P.S.  I debated about the glare in this photo.  In the end, I decided I liked the effect it had on the paint.  That brush stroke is actually a deep purple!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

It's All Relative

Perspective is a big deal.  Depending on your frame of reference being close to another can feel spacious and inviting or smothering. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Sunday, May 12, 2013


...and abandoned; left to crack, peel, and rust.  But, with a little attention and polish we can see the potential in the cracks and the strength and vibrancy underneath.

Beauty in the Bramble

Personal growth is very similar to yard work for me.  The work that still needs to be done is so palpable you can see clearly all the places where you can and will get hurt or where things could go wrong.  Once you've taken a break it's really hard to pick up your momentum again.  Then one day you notice a glimmer of something lovely to be found in the work you have left to do.  

 Maybe feeling pain is better than feeling nothing?  Maybe feeling it all at once is better than never feeling any of it?

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Stages of Life

Peeling off old layers, signs of new paint and development.  Hopefully that paint spill isn't a sign that your work isn't being done carefully and thoughtfully.


The strength to peel off the artificial top layer of paint we've added to hide our true selves from the word, the courage to rust away the parts of us that are no longer necessary, and the knowledge to maintain the parts of us that hold our strength and integrity.  I strive for this.


Always Looking

Hope can be found everywhere you look.. as long as you're looking.  :)

Uncomfortable Juxtaposition

Life is about perspective and what we choose to focus on.  Should we focus on the crooked drawer or all the beauty surrounding it?  I love the uncomfortableness of this picture while you have to decide where to focus.